
Showing posts from February, 2019


Life is not a bed of roses. Most people only choose to view life with rose colored glasses. Trying to sugarcoat the truth. Such people end up living in their own world of lies. Some time ago, I dedicated my time to goal setting. Goals that never saw the daylight. I was depressed, confused like anyone in my shoes would be.  It took me a while to realize my mistake. I was waiting for something that isn't going to happen. I was waiting for the perfect time, perfect experience, perfect confidence. The greatest way to waste your time is waiting for the perfect time. Aren't you aware that there is no such thing as the perfect time?.  However, you step, just step. Sometimes you have to step out of something to step into something. Sometimes you have to give up something to acquire something. Life is hard, you've got to choose your hard. Do nothing and remain where you are, or do something and fail. Failure birth experience. Increases your confidence. Wid