
Showing posts from August, 2018


I DIED LONG AGO    I wasn't living my life, I wasn't living someone else's life, I only knew something wasn't just right.   I had a lot of things on my mind to say to a lot of people but i had no idea who they would be or how to say it. I became smaller as a new morning comes, so i saw myself.   I wanted to sprout but how could i when the cloud is so close to me which means that how far i can go, so i thought.   If i speak who will listen? If i write who will read? I died when no one could hear my voice because i couldn't speak, but I want dump. I cried in the rain so no one would notice my tears.   I allowed the none existing negative thoughts of people control my sense of reasoning.  Now, I finally found my purpose, am living my purpose, am alive again.   Living without purpose is as good as dead. Don't be like me, worry no more about what others may think or say if you exhibit that idea in your head.  Speak out and don


. The more I fail the wiser I become. Failing doesn't mean you cant do it, it simply means you need to learn more to be able to do it.  Dear entrepreneur, failing is inevitable. You just need to learn how to accept it with an open hand and learn from it.  Can you count how many times a baby fall while trying to walk? Even if you start counting at first, you will eventually get tired along the line but the child is now a big boy even ruining and jumping.  If you had stopped him when he fell the first time he won't be walking by now.  Success comes when you stop counting how many times you fail and improve on better ways to hit your set goals.  #Iamchidinma #Everylifemustbetouched


    I saw a very long board on the street. I was amazed at the size of the board. It was so colourful and contained pictures of young, vibrant, beautiful, energetic ladies and gentlemen. I was just few steps away and wasn't in a hurry, so I decided to spear some minutes and take a look.  I was shocked at what I saw when I got there. Do you know they were all obituary posters of people who where between the age of 22 -25. My God, what is this? i asked myself and  Immediately, I heard a voice say to me, 'WHAT HAVE YOU DONE'?        I want to ask you,  yes you the one holding and reading this massage now. Please be sincere to yourself with your answer, What will you do if you just find out that you only have 2 more days to live?       Someone will say God forbid. But do you know that death is inevitable? We have to be prepared. I know my comment box will be filled with thousands of uncompleted dreams if I ask you to write them down. Start working towar


        Growing up, i was made to believe from a popular quote that some people where born great, some achieve greatness while others has greatness entrusted in them.      Well, I don't believe in that anymore. I can't say same thing for you. But today, I tell you, everyone one of you was born great. You are not an accident. Not even one person is a mistake because God never make mistakes.     You are here for a reason, you are on a mission. It beyond just being born, going  to school, getting a certificate, getting a job, getting married, giving birth and die.       No, no, no, no, it far more than that. The world is waiting for you. You have this great idea, but you are ashame to let it out. You are scared people will laugh at you right? you sacred of failing?      I tell you, if you don't do it now, others will do it. Don't think it a personal idea so you do it when you want to. It might be too late when you eventually become ready.    


   Being born with a silver spoon is amazing. You get to live large and have all you need at your finger tips. Along the line, you got so obsessed with the feeling of "am the hire to all my parent wealth so why should I work or invest" ?  Bravo!! It all happened as you wished. Off course your husband is well to do and provides for the family.  My question is how long do you want to keep receiving from others? When are you going to start giving? No matter how much you give out, if you did not labour for it then you are just giving in the name of the owner of the property.  By the way, have you noticed that it easier for people to give out something that is not there's compared to what they laboured for? Helping others is a way of saying thank you to God.  You do not need to wait for them to ask before you give for some may never ask. Majority don't need your money, they only need someone to love and care for them. Countless of people die out of depre


       There is no way you can become great by acting like every other person you see around yo, so i will be taking you through the 10 steps that will help become a great person. 1.  Know yourself; the best way for you to out grow who have already become for you to become better is by admitting your fault. Admit the good, the bad and the ugly and stay true to yourself. You cant stop smoking if you keep lying to yourself that you are not yet addicted to smoking. Accept who you have become and work towards changing to become better. 2. Make out something; create something that can help other people reach their own goals. No one can put a price tag when it comes to helping people for it priceless. When you help them with what you already know, that singular act of yours will duplicate you. You get to see yourself in them and for every normal being, that fulfillment. 3. Learn to serve; great people are those who dedicate their time into serving others. Just like when i