You will always be told that, if you want to be able to do great things in life you need to step out of your comfort zone right?

That is because our comfort zone is a place where dreams die, where hopes are crushed, where aspirations decay.

Some time ago, someone asked; "if I step out of my house, those it means I have stepped out of my comfort zone"?

Can you answer the above question?

I am sure you can but here is my opinion.

You see, stepping out of your comfort zone here means doing things you don't feel comfortable doing. Things you wouldn't normally do.

That is to say, if you keep leaving your home and doing everything you are 100% okay with doing then you haven't left your comfort zone yet.

When it comes to stepping out of your comfort zone, you are simply sacrificing short time pain for long time pleasure.

The fastest way to get out of your comfort zone is to do things that scare you daily. Face that fear!

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