
Showing posts from 2019


You will always be told that, if you want to be able to do great things in life you need to step out of your comfort zone right? That is because our comfort zone is a place where dreams die, where hopes are crushed, where aspirations decay. Some time ago, someone asked; "if I step out of my house, those it means I have stepped out of my comfort zone"? Can you answer the above question? I am sure you can but here is my opinion. You see, stepping out of your comfort zone here means doing things you don't feel comfortable doing. Things you wouldn't normally do. That is to say, if you keep leaving your home and doing everything you are 100% okay with doing then you haven't left your comfort zone yet. When it comes to stepping out of your comfort zone, you are simply sacrificing short time pain for long time pleasure. The fastest way to get out of your comfort zone is to do things that scare you daily. Face that fear! If you got value from this wr


Failure isn't final, it opens you up to better ways to succeed. No great man today will say he never failed. That impossible. Even those who thought they had it all figured out still failed somehow. Some poeple fail In business because; 1: They try to ignore the learning process and forcefully pursue result; It doesn't work that way. Success itself is a journey. But most people don't even understand the link between the PROCESS and SUCCESS. Break the link and you will never arrive at your destination. You only keep running in circles. Embrace the process and success will come running towards you. 2: Too focused on profit that they forget the risk involved;  Inasmuch as we all want to make a profit, it shouldn't be the driving force. So what will be your fate if the profit never comes as expected? You will definitely quite and move to another sector with the same mindset. 3: Comparison; Do not compare your weakness with other person strength. There’s no com


3 WAYS TO MAKE PEOPLE STAY WITH YOU When you see a group of photographs that you are in, whose picture do you look for first? I know you are smiling right now. I know what on your mind. Well, to make yourself the kind of person others would always want to hang around; 1: Be a Value Giver. If you don't add value to people, don't expect them to stay around you for a long time. Don't connect with people with the mindset of "what can I gain" instead ask "what can I give". Do not be a parasite. You will be discarded.  Let everyone who comes across you leave a better person. Have you ever heard this statement "if  I engage someone in a two minutes discussion, I will be able to tell the kind of person he/she is? I know you have.  I've heard it countless times too. 2: Be genuinely interested in others. If we merely try to impress people and get them interested in us, we will never have many true, sincere friends. You can make more frie


Sometimes, things don't always go the way we planned. Sometimes we get disappointed by those we hold in high esteem. Some go ahead to say "it was because you expected too much from them". Well for me, I live every day in expectation. I don't hope for anything, I expect it. But It depends on what and who you are expecting whatever it is from. Many always tie their expectation to what they want others to do for them and 95% are not even realistic. How on earth are you expecting him to buy you a car when he only earns 25k monthly?   The expectation I am talking about here is self expectancy. You must expect great things for yourself before you do them because our expectations for ourselves affect our future performance.  Use the power of positive Self-Expectance to push yourself to the next level this month. Today we mark the beginning of the second quarter of the year 2019. This is to tell you that the year is gradually coming to an end.  Fo


I believe the cemetery will turn my life around....... I still remember the first time like it just happened yesterday. What i usually watch in movies was happing right before me and I couldn't explain it. It wasn't Mercy Johnson or Yul Edochie. It was someone so dear to me. He was beautifully dressed in one of his best suits. I admire him a lot. He was in a deep sleep, yet didn't seem bothered with the noises coming from all angles. He was so comfortable. That was my dad lying in his coffin. It was my first time seeing a corpse. I never knew what it means to be dead. An elderly woman moved close to me and said: "you are never going to see him again". That was strange and very hard to believe. I couldn't control the tears. I always see Mercy Johnson in different movies even after lying in a coffin, so why would my dad's own be different, I asked myself. He told us he was only going to be away for some time and return back home. He had some ong


Life is not a bed of roses. Most people only choose to view life with rose colored glasses. Trying to sugarcoat the truth. Such people end up living in their own world of lies. Some time ago, I dedicated my time to goal setting. Goals that never saw the daylight. I was depressed, confused like anyone in my shoes would be.  It took me a while to realize my mistake. I was waiting for something that isn't going to happen. I was waiting for the perfect time, perfect experience, perfect confidence. The greatest way to waste your time is waiting for the perfect time. Aren't you aware that there is no such thing as the perfect time?.  However, you step, just step. Sometimes you have to step out of something to step into something. Sometimes you have to give up something to acquire something. Life is hard, you've got to choose your hard. Do nothing and remain where you are, or do something and fail. Failure birth experience. Increases your confidence. Wid


Dear Entrepreneur, I may not be strong enough to travel with you through out the journey, but I won't let you go all alone. I will be deceiving you if I tell you it going to be a smooth journey. Let the tears down when the time come, they will clean up the windows of your heart. Do not try to defend yourself when Mr  failure walk in. Take responsibility for all your actions. In most cases, it takes longer than we assumed to succeed when we set out. Withing the period you are waiting for Mr success to step in, enjoy the process, learn the lessons and record them for others waiting to begin their journey someday. You will surely get to the top if you remain focused and consistent. If you fail, keep trying  until you succeed. Don't give up yet. #Everylifemustbetouched