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People might say all kinds of annoying things to you but if you don't want those words to get into you, there are many ways you can discard them. There is only one person You have to be mindful of, that person has ultimate power over you. And that person is you. Chidinma you can't do this, I mean this too much for you to comprehend, why don't you try next time  or better still forget it.  50% of us today are guilty of saying such words to ourselves. Some end up saying NO to opportunities even before giving it a thought. I once had a friend who always tell herself that she is not good enough for anything that comes her way.  What do you think will happen to such persons in few years to come? I bet you if someone else  had told her the same thing she told herself, she will surely pick offence.  As long as you are still breathing, there is no end to your capacity to grow and develop. Success is a progress, there is no finish line,  only milestones. You bec


GOD FORBID, I WILL NEVER STRUGGLE  I have lost count of how many folks made such statement before me within the past few days. We always want everything to fall into place without lifting a finger. I want you to know that you will not only find roses on your way to success. Most times, you get to find more thorns than roses. So what do you when you find thorns? You either go back or step on it and get treated later. Going back means putting your success on hold. Steping on it keeps you moving. What doesn't kill you make you stronger.  You waiting for capital from the government to start a business. What will become of you if it never come true? Haven't you heard of people who started with zero capital? If you haven't, what stopping you from making research now?  It time to step out of  your comfort zone and stop relaying on promises that will never be fulfilled. If you find a part with no obstacles, it probably doesn't lead anywhere.  #Everylifemus

10 things Successful people don't do

  Below are 10 things successful people don't do 1. Successful people never return to what didn't work. 2. Successful people never do anything that will require them to be who they're not. 3. Successful people never try to change another person when they're not willing to change. 4. Successful people never believe they can please everyone. 5. Successful people never choose short term comfort over long term benefits.  6.Successful people never trust someone or something that appears flawless. 7.Successful people never take their eyes off the big picture. 8. Successful people never neglect diligence.  9.Successful people never fail to ask why they are where they find themselves. 10.Successful people never forget that their inner life determines their outer success.  Successful people never give up.

7 Powerful Quotes On Goals

7 Powerful Quotes On Goals  Your ability to set goals is the master skill of success. It doesn't matter where you are coming from, all that matters is where you are going to.  See more below 1 " Goals are the fuel in the furnace of achievement"---Tom Hopkins  2 "Be sure that as you scramble up the ladder of success, it is leaning against the right building"---Stephen Covey  3 "The only thing that stands between a man and what he wants from life is often merely the will to try it and the faith to believe that it possible"---Richard M. Devos  4 "The roots of most of our problems in life are contained in the feeling, I am not good enough"--- Louise Hay  5 "Within every difficulty or obstacles, there is the seed of an equal or greater advantage or benefit"---Napoleon Hill  6 "Failure is merely an opportunity to more intelligently begin again"--- Henry Ford  7 "To achieve something you have never

10 inspirational quotes to get you out of bed

Roll the sheet up over your head and go back to sleep. Have you ever felt that way before?   Days you struggle to get motivated. We have all been there.   Find below 10 powerful motivational quotes that will drag you out of bed. 1: “Each morning we are born again. What we do today is what matters most.” | Buddha 2: “If you believe it will work out, you’ll see opportunities. If you believe it won’t, you will see obstacles.” – Wayne Dyer 3:Being the richest man in the cemetery doesn't matter to me. Going to bed at night saying we've done something wonderful, that's what matters to me. Steve Jobs 4:If you want to change the world, start off by making your bed. William H. McRaven 5:Don't stay in bed, unless you can make money in bed. George Burns  6:“When you do something noble and beautiful and nobody noticed, do not be sad. For the sun every morning is a beautiful spectacle and yet most of the audience still sleeps.” | John Lennon 


The beautiful tree dancing to the tune of the wind not minding it direction. The sun readily positioned to discharge it's duty.  Lamenting and spiting out words, you could feel the frustration from within, roaring like a hungry tiger ready to devour any prey it eyes catches, his anger will weigh more than 500kg if placed on a weighing balance.  Life curtain gradually pulling it self close like the curtain projecting the completion of a play or dreamer. He gave up on life, life gave up on him, they both gave up on each other but commiting suicide wasn't among his options.  Sitting at the veranda of his house watching and hoping for a miracle to pass his way, the whole drama that happened before his very own eyes that led to the condition he found himself presently kept playing it self in his subconscious mind like a movie on replay.  A huge sum of money was snatched from him just as he was about to enter the bank. Life became meaningless to him that minute. A dept


I DIED LONG AGO    I wasn't living my life, I wasn't living someone else's life, I only knew something wasn't just right.   I had a lot of things on my mind to say to a lot of people but i had no idea who they would be or how to say it. I became smaller as a new morning comes, so i saw myself.   I wanted to sprout but how could i when the cloud is so close to me which means that how far i can go, so i thought.   If i speak who will listen? If i write who will read? I died when no one could hear my voice because i couldn't speak, but I want dump. I cried in the rain so no one would notice my tears.   I allowed the none existing negative thoughts of people control my sense of reasoning.  Now, I finally found my purpose, am living my purpose, am alive again.   Living without purpose is as good as dead. Don't be like me, worry no more about what others may think or say if you exhibit that idea in your head.  Speak out and don


. The more I fail the wiser I become. Failing doesn't mean you cant do it, it simply means you need to learn more to be able to do it.  Dear entrepreneur, failing is inevitable. You just need to learn how to accept it with an open hand and learn from it.  Can you count how many times a baby fall while trying to walk? Even if you start counting at first, you will eventually get tired along the line but the child is now a big boy even ruining and jumping.  If you had stopped him when he fell the first time he won't be walking by now.  Success comes when you stop counting how many times you fail and improve on better ways to hit your set goals.  #Iamchidinma #Everylifemustbetouched


    I saw a very long board on the street. I was amazed at the size of the board. It was so colourful and contained pictures of young, vibrant, beautiful, energetic ladies and gentlemen. I was just few steps away and wasn't in a hurry, so I decided to spear some minutes and take a look.  I was shocked at what I saw when I got there. Do you know they were all obituary posters of people who where between the age of 22 -25. My God, what is this? i asked myself and  Immediately, I heard a voice say to me, 'WHAT HAVE YOU DONE'?        I want to ask you,  yes you the one holding and reading this massage now. Please be sincere to yourself with your answer, What will you do if you just find out that you only have 2 more days to live?       Someone will say God forbid. But do you know that death is inevitable? We have to be prepared. I know my comment box will be filled with thousands of uncompleted dreams if I ask you to write them down. Start working towar


        Growing up, i was made to believe from a popular quote that some people where born great, some achieve greatness while others has greatness entrusted in them.      Well, I don't believe in that anymore. I can't say same thing for you. But today, I tell you, everyone one of you was born great. You are not an accident. Not even one person is a mistake because God never make mistakes.     You are here for a reason, you are on a mission. It beyond just being born, going  to school, getting a certificate, getting a job, getting married, giving birth and die.       No, no, no, no, it far more than that. The world is waiting for you. You have this great idea, but you are ashame to let it out. You are scared people will laugh at you right? you sacred of failing?      I tell you, if you don't do it now, others will do it. Don't think it a personal idea so you do it when you want to. It might be too late when you eventually become ready.    


   Being born with a silver spoon is amazing. You get to live large and have all you need at your finger tips. Along the line, you got so obsessed with the feeling of "am the hire to all my parent wealth so why should I work or invest" ?  Bravo!! It all happened as you wished. Off course your husband is well to do and provides for the family.  My question is how long do you want to keep receiving from others? When are you going to start giving? No matter how much you give out, if you did not labour for it then you are just giving in the name of the owner of the property.  By the way, have you noticed that it easier for people to give out something that is not there's compared to what they laboured for? Helping others is a way of saying thank you to God.  You do not need to wait for them to ask before you give for some may never ask. Majority don't need your money, they only need someone to love and care for them. Countless of people die out of depre


       There is no way you can become great by acting like every other person you see around yo, so i will be taking you through the 10 steps that will help become a great person. 1.  Know yourself; the best way for you to out grow who have already become for you to become better is by admitting your fault. Admit the good, the bad and the ugly and stay true to yourself. You cant stop smoking if you keep lying to yourself that you are not yet addicted to smoking. Accept who you have become and work towards changing to become better. 2. Make out something; create something that can help other people reach their own goals. No one can put a price tag when it comes to helping people for it priceless. When you help them with what you already know, that singular act of yours will duplicate you. You get to see yourself in them and for every normal being, that fulfillment. 3. Learn to serve; great people are those who dedicate their time into serving others. Just like when i


WHO'S PICTURE SURROUNDS YOU?             Wait a minute, I want you to stop and take a look around you and write in the comment box who's pictures surround your current environment. Find mine in the comment box.             The pictures you surrounds yourself with has the power to define who you are and who you will be in few years to come. Yes it that serious. I walked into your room and saw pictures of great footballers boldly displayed on your wall, then I need no prophet to tell me you love football and with much love, you would equally want to be like one of those icons later in the future.           I watched a movie and this girl has passion to be the fasted runner in an up coming running competition. She wrote on her wall beside a great runners picture "I was born to run" and that motivated till the end when her dream became a reality.        For me I want to be a motivational speaker so I surround myself with pictures of great motivational


The starting point in dealing with difficulty is to be willing  to have it so. - William James The last great freedom of a man  is freedom to choose his attitude  under any given set of  circumstances- Victor Franki   Efficiency is doing things right,  but effectiveness is doing  the right things - peter Drucker #Iamchidinma


   ONCE UPON A TIME The weather was friendly this evening so i decided to spend some litle time outside before retireing to bed. After some time, i noticed a dog standing just few kilometers away from me.    What exactly is he looking at i asked myself, i thought about it for a while yet couldnt get any clue from my already exsusted brain after the days  job.     Finally, i conclueded withing me that the only option left is for me if I really want to know what  his looking at that  is hindering his movement. Some how, I managed to lift my tired body from the chair i was sitting only to find out that he has been stearing at a whole he ought to cross if at all he wants to go home as the street was not his home.   One thing i observed, was the fact that he never made any attempt to jump that hole, not even once.   That is exactly what is happing to so many of us today. We perish and end up withing the walls of assumption never having  the courage to go through t


                                                                                     THE GOLD IN YOU I never knew you had a gold chain. No, no, don't roll your eyes at me like that. Am not in anyway lieing to you. I saw it inside your bag. It look so amazing, but why are you not making use of it? You know you could wear it to the wedding coming up on Saturday? I was confounded with her response "I don't have any gold chain" she said to me. It so unfortunate that so many deny things that belong to them without their consent just because it not beautiful enough. Noting in life comes easy. Refining gold isn't a day job. You have to put in a lot of time and energy to get the best you desire. The same thing goes for your talents, skills and so on. What ever you are good at or love doing, there lies your gold. Dong keep it in the bag anymore. Bring it out and start making use of it. You love singing, but you dislike your voice because you fe


You have to be willing to walk alone when others get tired of walking with you. It your dream and vision so it alright if they find it difficult to comprehend. You may at some point feel rejected, dejected, abandoned. I want you to know that just another phase of life. Don't give up on that beautiful dream. It might just be what the world need now. Success comes to only those who didn't give up on themselves. When you give up, then it over. #Iamchidinma #Ibeliveinyou #Legacymotivation


You are still poor not because you don't have money. There  is defiantly something you not getting right. For you to be successful, it is essential that you organize your life around yourself, rather than to organize yourself around the demands of your external world. There are millions of great ideas inside of you, but the question is have you taken out your time to figure them out? All these voice down to time management. Believe it or not, majority are suffering from time poverty and not money poverty. They are two different things. You hang around with friends who all they engage themselves in all day is gossip and at the end of the day you return home empty.  You complain notting good is coming your way. How will they come your way when you keep going else where? There is no way the brain can function positively when you keep feeding it with toxic substances. Most people are time wasters. They waste their time, and waste your own time as well. Have a