Wait a minute, I want you to stop and take a look around you and write in the comment box who's pictures surround your current environment. Find mine in the comment box.

            The pictures you surrounds yourself with has the power to define who you are and who you will be in few years to come. Yes it that serious. I walked into your room and saw pictures of great footballers boldly displayed on your wall, then I need no prophet to tell me you love football and with much love, you would equally want to be like one of those icons later in the future. 

         I watched a movie and this girl has passion to be the fasted runner in an up coming running competition. She wrote on her wall beside a great runners picture "I was born to run" and that motivated till the end when her dream became a reality.

       For me I want to be a motivational speaker so I surround myself with pictures of great motivational speakers. Have you heard the story of Lisa Nicolas? She shed tears sharing her own story, it was a painful experience. I call that rising from grass to grace. 

     Her story keeps me moving. If I begin to think the world is becoming too hard for me, I quickly remind myself of her story and since she pulled through then am unstable no matter how long it takes because it either I make it or I make it💪💪.

     It might be almost impossible to get people you look up to always be there to give you that push each time you think of giving up, but you can surround your self with their stories, pictures and look up to their legacy. You might some day do better than them.

 If the pictures that surrounds you doesn't portray who you want to become, then it time for a change. Do not wait till tomorrow because later  sometimes becomes never.
 No matter how strong you think you are, there will be times you will need someone to pat your back and whisper "you can do it, just a little more push". 


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